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The God Breaker's Ruin Page 6

  “They like to fuck around. I will live life, my way, on my terms. You think having someone completes us, but it doesn’t. It’s a whole set of problems. I mean just look at you and father. You’re together but not really. You are here screwing others and you expect me to want that kind of relationship?”

  “That is also different. Your father can never finish the job. He’s usually a busy person with his meetings and the events he goes to. He doesn’t pay much attention to us. That is why you can be with Jake, he is youthful, full of adventure, who isn’t tied to his god damn books and notes.” Lily slammed on the table with one fist, her eyes agitated looking at her hand.

  “ Lily don’t talk about father and pleasing you, it’s not a thought I want going in my mind.”

  “Well. Why do you think I need to have the services of others? A person like myself has their needs. It’s not all physical either, it's emotional. It gets lonely.”

  “Let's just stop talking about this,” Veronica said. She never liked to imagine her mother and father together in their bedroom. She heard it a few times but always tried to bury the moans deep in the back of her mind. “I’m just not into Jake that way, not romantically that is. He’s a nice guy, and yes, he is working his way up the social ladder, but he is not someone I see a future with. I just don’t have that sort of relationship with him,” she said getting up and making her way to the front door.

  “Veronica, you are a beautiful lady. But sometimes you can be so dumb darling,” Lily said getting up, turning her back away from her daughter and marching up the stairs.

  “Love you to mom,” Veronica said opening the door trying her hardest not to slam it on her way out.


  Veronica walked through large metal doors. She wore a long black dress and purple heels that made her stumble when walking down the stairs. Some part of me wished that I should of went out with Lily and father more when they went to their events. She tried making her way slowly down the hall. She passed many familiar faces like Lucas Morningmoon. He was an elite fighter for the vorpals who had to fight in the badlands. She tried not to make eye contact with him and the group he was with. Didn’t want to be seen by the upper class. She hurried to a table where her friends were sitting and chatting their mouths off. Just gotta act cool Veronica. Just remember that you are just one of the girls and tonight you are going to just let loose and have some fun. Don’t think about Lily, don’t think about father or even Jake. Just be here with your girls, and enjoy the night. She thought.

  “Veronica, you finally made it,” A woman said grabbing and sitting her down.

  “Oh! Moly. It is good to see you, and your snakes,” She said picking up the glass in front of her and taking a sip. The taste of milk blood. ninety percent milk and ten percent fake blood, eat your heart out boys and girls. Her friend Moly wore a shirt that read the dead G’s and shorts that had different patches of metal bands on them. Her snakes were green and black, with yellow eyes that hugged their master's head in affection and love. The room smelled of alcohol and cigarette smoke. The sound of nu-metal echoed through the club.

  “They are my lovelies, my beautiful ladies. We just got out from an appointment to massage their old skin off. They are so comfortable right now, but very delicate,” Moly said petting her head. Her snakes nuzzled her and stared at Veronica. Moly was part demigorn. Her mother’s family had a long history, one that she didn’t like to talk much about. It’s one of the reasons she loved her group of friends. Everyone had some family issues, or issues of their own and just respected that.

  “She has been drinking a little bit. So if she is more happy than usual, it's because of the shiny gasm’s,” A female Gargoyle said leaning towards Veronica and nudging her.

  “Domina, how have you been?” Veronica said tapping one of her fingers on the table.

  “Oh you know, the same thing as every day. Father wants me to be part of the hunting grounds and I tell him I want to be an artist. His reply is usually him putting another hole in the stone walls,” Domina said letting out a chuckle leaning back in her chair. She wore a white shirt and a black studded vest. Her skin was dark brown, and her eyes a lime green. Her head was partly shaved and she wore her black hair up in a Mohawk.

  “Yea, her dad lost his crap when she told him she wanted to date a human,” Moly said. She put her hand over her mouth and looked at Domina. “Shit, I’m sorry. I wasn’t supposed to tell her.”

  “Moly, fuck.You can never keep a secret girl.”

  “Well, it's true you love your boy Chris.”

  “You were supposed to keep that a secret. It was supposed to be between the both of us,” Domina said looking away. She wrapped herself in her wings and starred at the ground avoiding eye contact.

  “You really should stay away from them. Humans tend to corrupt what they touch,” Veronica said lifting her glass and taking another sip. Why would she want to be with a human? She is a gargoyle and can have anyone in the undercity she wants. She is powerful and smart. Why does she want to be with someone lesser than her? She just didn’t see one of her friends with someone she didn’t approve of. She never met the person but knew that she wanted better for her friend. Just keep calm about it Veronica. Domina is your friend. Maybe she has a good reason or is just doing it to get a rise out of her father. She thought.

  “Tell me about your little human. Fill me in on what makes him so special,” She said putting her glass down and crossing one leg over the other. Veronica knew Domina for years. For her to even be dating was a surprise even for her. Not because she didn’t think her friend had an interest. It more had to do with just how strict her family was when it came to anything.

  “Well if you insist my dear friend. Chris is someone that I met at the back of an alley,” Domina replied, avoiding eye contact with her.

  “At the back of an alley? Why would a human be where the rats lived? Humans hate being in the undercity as much as our kind dislike topside. The only one that stays here longer than they should is Jenni, and she is someone who has her issues. But why would a male human come here?” She said starring at Domina crossing her arms. She looked at her friend waiting for an answer. All she saw was her eyes soften.

  “No, you hate topside. He wasn’t doing well, like at all. He got kicked out of his home by his parents and was left on the streets to die pretty much. He didn’t have any money and was just trying to survive,” Domina said putting her large claws on her legs swaying back and forth. “He was just someone I wanted to protect.”

  “That doesn’t answer my question. Why wasn’t he doing well? Why would his blood kick him and forget about him?” She asked, her voice more stern and short.

  Domina shook her head and slammed her fist into the table, breaking it into many pieces. People around them stood in silence, the music that was playing stopped abruptly, and all eyes were on them. “If you must know about Chris Veronica and why he was on the streets, it was because of addiction. He got kicked out of his home and onto the streets because his family couldn’t handle him anymore. He would try to get better, and his demons would return. So he isn’t perfect, not even close, but he makes me feel good.Needed.He tells me stories about his past and topside. I get to hear and learn about the world. I get to go on adventures in my mind,” Domina said starring at Veronica, his ears turning pink as she frowned.

  Made yourself look like an asshole Veronica. You always say you want to be supportive when it comes to your friends, but when you see them wanting to keep something to themselves you love to push them until they open the floodgates. She knew she messed up. She made things worse for Domina. She didn’t want to be the person that always tried to keep their friend safe, to never let them figure it out themselves, but she just loved her so much that she could not stand the thought of her being hurt by someone else. She knew what it felt like to get tossed aside. Just be supportive, just this once. She thought. “You must love him, Domina,” She said hugging her tightly.

  “He’s the
only one that got me besides you guys. I know my father doesn’t approve, and mom wants me to follow my heart, but it’s hard. People stare and judge him because he is human, they don’t even know him. They would call him meat sack. I know he is the one I want to be with, I just know it,” Domina said tucking her head closer to Veronica's neck. It reminded her of the time that Domina told her how she wanted a role in a class play. To be one of the flying Valkyries, a warrior of the skies. She tried out for the part, got the lines right, and gave it her all. The coordinator just came to her and said she didn’t fit the part, because she was a gargoyle and they needed someone to fit the part. By fit, they meant to look, eyes, hair, body. Just excuses they made to keep her out.

  “Then if he’s good enough for you, he’s good enough for me. Let me tell you one thing though. If he ever hurts you, ever lays a hand on you, I will slice his throat.”

  “Oh Veronica, you know I can handle myself. I was the one that helped my father tame the werebeast that was attacking our clan years ago,” Domina said rubbing Veronicas head and smiling.

  “I know how strong you are, trust me, many do. But you also know that we are friends, we are sisters, and no one hurts my sister,” She said grabbing Domina's shoulders grinning.

  Before Domina or Moly could answer or continue their conversation a man came out from the back with two ladies around his arms. They were naked and covered in marks and liquids. They looked like they were together for what seemed to be hours. The man wrapped his arms over the female's shoulders and stumbled to the barkeep. His dick was hanging out, dripping with his joy, and their bodies smelled of sweat. The man wore a mask, A mask that Veronica was all too familiar with.

  “Jake? What the hell are you doing?” Veronica said marching up to him and pushing him against the bar counter.

  “Oh, hey. You, I know. Yes, you are who I know. You look rather bitchy, lady,” Jake replied chuckling under the mask.

  “Seriously? Lily wanted me to marry you? and you do shit like this?” Veronica said slapping Jake across the head. How could he do this? Why would he do this kind of shit, this isn’t him. She didn’t understand the person that was behind the mask, and how he was acting. She felt a fire growing inside her body. Someone that she knew so long and was so close to, was also someone who just saw beings like her as a piece of meat. She saw him naked, sweaty, and just a mess. It made her angry, and her stomach turn. She knew he was better than this. That being with many women was like being an animal, and she didn’t think Jake was like that. She was angry and irrational. You put Lily to shame. You are just doing this because you are bored or want to get back at me. You are such an idiot. She thought.

  “Oh fuck off you spoiled little bitch.I never wanted to be with someone with a stick up their ass. My father was always telling me I had to be proper, had to do well by those above us. I am not like my father. I just want to have fun while I can. I like to dabble in some powder, some liquid and I love to have some ladies in my bed ready to do my feeding,” Jake said to Veronica getting up from the bar counter. He headed back to the women that stood there waiting for him, as foam dropped from their mouths.

  “Were they even willing to be with you? Or did you use your abilities to give them the illusion?” Veronica asked.

  “Sometimes being vorpal has its perks. Now fuck off,” Jake said massaging one of the lady's chins with his finger, smirking at Veronica.

  “You are such a piece of shit. I thought you were better than other people but all you care about is getting your shit wet,” She said marching up to Jake and kneeing him where he held his most prized possession. “Maybe next time you can be more like your father and have some balls to be a man instead of a boy.”


  He entered the chamber under the club. He shoved the two women inside with him. Like useless workers or kids, that got in his way, pitiful. She thinks she is so special with her father the count. How he took her in when she became one of us. All she did was use me and strung me along when I could just have it all. I know her father more than she does. I know the person that he truly is. She has no idea, no idea at all. He knew that Veronica never wanted to be with him, even though her mother would go on and on about the two of them getting together and someday ruling over the undercity together. Who needs her anyway. All she ever did was talk about stupid dreams that would never come true. She can live in her fantasy bullshit world all she wants. He thought.

  “ Jake let me take your mind off that girl who hurt you,” One of the women said grasping his genitals, and lightly biting his lower lip.

  “You always know how to take my mind off my problems, Alice. So beautiful, so trusting, you treat me so well,” He said kissing her chest, while firmly tugging on her hair.

  A God Breaker walked out of the shadows, light beaming off his armor, shield, and hammer. “You kept me waiting long enough,” The man said revealing his face.

  “God Beta, where have you been? Playing with your little toys topside?” He said walking over to a closet and putting on a robe. He was supposed to meet me hours ago, but now he decides to show up at a time like this? He needed Beta to look for willing participants to help keep the vorpal thriving. Hopefully, he comes with information of people that we can convince to stay at our side. We are going to need a large number of bodies for the second coming. He thought.

  “I was dealing with a few pests. They got away for now, but next time I see them they will pay for going against the god breakers,” Beta said placing his shield and hammer on a desk and sitting down. “Sometimes we have these rat problems and it’s best to shut it down before others start making noise. God watches all. People that go against the word of the god breakers are going against the lord and light itself.”

  “So what you’re telling me is that you did not find anyone else? You come here empty-handed. You know damn well how short our counts' temper is. You remember the last time someone pissed him off, that person was sent to the burning lighthouse, their shadow still stains the floor of that place to this day,” he said grabbing a glass and pouring it until it filled to the top.

  “The people topside are starting to grow suspicious. They see us as brutes, they avoid us like we are the enemy. They fear us. I will use that fear in time to our advantage,” Beta said knocking on his shields emblem.

  “Why would they? The god breakers are supposed to be the spirit king's messengers. They know that you are the ones that are enforcing the rules that were set by god after the awakening. To go against them is to go against their maker,” Jake said sitting next to the woman that sat on the bed. They nuzzled his neck and were massaging his chest. His attention was focused on Beta. “You humans can never get along. You love to kill each other like wild animals, but some of you are more clever, you expected them to rebel. I bet you expected high praise when the veil went down and the truth laid bare. That your faith for all these years would go rewarded.” Humans no matter what clan, what race they spoke for were all the same.Violent, and greedy cocksuckers.

  “Noone gives a shit about the spirit king. They see through that holy bullshit, and the nonbelievers are starting to grow. That is why we use force and intimidation. But we can only go so far before the leaders of the city get involved. Some help us, but others like to get in the way. I can’t keep bringing the count followers, especially ones that never return home. They will not come so willingly if the rumors continue to spread, especially the ones about the badlands. I do what needs to be done, to show humans the errors that lay bare in the world we live in. I am more than beings from the land of the light, and god will one day see me as a being worthy to have a place at their side,” Beta said grabbing his hammer and standing up.

  “Just try to be more careful. People go missing every day and no one second-guesses it. You were able to convince them before, and the first time we tried we didn’t think it would happen, but it did. We just have to try something else. Maybe if you just smite the criminals and bring their bodies to us. You can ever drug them u
p, or offer them some fun in the undercity. I have ways we can do this, you just have to be willing to. I know a few people who can take them somewhere and handle the dirty jobs,” Jake said rubbing his chin. Some vorpals played into trying to turn a new leaf, to be part of human society, but a large amount of them, especially the older vorpals were stuck in the old ways. They still hunted, they were made killers after all. It was just disguised more, like a dirty secret you tried to roll into a piece of towel, eventually, the secret bled on the towel but it still held.

  “They wouldn’t buy it, not the humans that I run into. Sure you can get them to follow a tribe and root for their team, but when it comes to actual people, actual lives. That’s when their ears start to perk up, and they start asking questions. They start wondering why did that person get axed when all they did was cheat on their wife. Or why did they have to die they only did a few drugs. They will always try to make us the enemy Jake. So no, there does not seem to be an easy way to get what the count wants. Do you think that I can just bring them to the undercity, and leave them here, and hope no one finds out? If they ever did, they would torch your home to the ground, and my ass would be dead meat,” Beta said going to the entrance of the room and shutting the door. “No, that is not the best thing to do. It’s a decent idea, but you do truly think very small.”

  “Dammit.What if we used one of the vorpals to take children and bring them to the castle? You can even tell them that the spirit king wants them to aid us to get into the land of the light, to walk in the holy aether. We could even say the count is trying to connect our cultures, maybe that will work? Hell, we can even blame it on Lily or Veronica. I know count Grendil would be fine with it, he gets tired of his wife fucking around anyways. His shitty daughter is just in the way, so I’m sure he would be fine if we got rid of her too,” Jake said throwing his hands into the air laughing.