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The God Breaker's Ruin Page 5
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Page 5
“That’s fucking priceless, you are really that gullible aren’t you? Aerions love to come down to the undercity to fuck anything when they are high enough. They snort up, shoot up, and sleep around like any other human or eternal. Do you think they are sinless? Fucking shit, their sins can’t even fit inside the land of the light. It’s a good thing we got god that is so pure,” Jenni said lightly punching his shoulder.
“Wait, you’re telling me they like to screw around and take part in orgies and parties?”
“Oh they do, and they love it. They would come to one of the clubs find a few Gargoyles and see which one can please them the best. Hell, sometimes they like to mix it up a bit and take a few vorpals to add some variety.”
“But they are supposed to be better than that. They live where the spirit king lives. In the land of the light.”
“Oh, that land we like to call Heaven? Yea the aerions say it’s cool and all, but strict as all hell on what you can and can’t do, great view though,” Jenni said. She stopped dead in her tracks. She turned around and looked at a billboard of a female vorpal who was smiling while cleaning their teeth with blood wise. It was an advertisement for vorpal mouth wash. “Keep your mouth, bloody clean.”
“What’s going on, why did we stop,” He said patting Jenni on the shoulder.
“Jenni fucking Bax. Where’s my coin? You owe me for that game we played last week of two sticks and dice. You know you cheated and used weighted dice,” A large Gargoyle said. His black and blue hair went along with his black and red wings that reached out to six feet. He wore black jeans that had holes in them and a muscle t-shirt with a necklace with a moon on it, with a red stone in the middle. He pushed Nick aside and stared at Jenni, like a tower looking down to the trees. His fangs were long and sharp and his eyes red like the blood moon. The smell of his breath was rotten greens and alcohol. A fucking drunk gargoyle.
“Ah ya big lug Breon. I was looking all over for you. I said to myself boy I haven’t seen that big ass in a while. Look I’ll give you your coin once you show me where to find it. I have trouble remembering what I ate, and sometimes I need help jogging my memory but don’t worry I will give it to you next week. I promise with undead cake on top,” Jenni said rolling up her sleeves.
“I told you to have it the next time I saw you. You owe me what I’m owed. I gave you the information you needed, we played a game together and you wanted to play for coin. Now give me my coin,” Breon said taking his huge stoned claw and shoving Jenni to the wall pinning her against it. Gargoyles came in all shapes and sizes, like humans and other beings. The main difference between them all was some were fully stone, others infused with the elements, and some were fierce and bathe in the blood of their enemies.
People stopped and stared at what was happening, no one intervened or tried to help, but they were interested enough to record videos and take pictures. Nick snapped his fingers to bring out his sword and struck the Gargoyles back. The sword shattered when it made contact. “Stone skin, didn’t think about that being so hard. Guess it’s going to take a lot more to bring you down?” He said smiling. He tried to shake off the critters on his hands and was snapping his fingers again and again, but the magic went against him. It wasn’t his magic after all, so faulty was one of the main gimmicks.
Breon grabbed Nick like a rag doll and tossed him aside. “You fucking kidding me? Is this supposed to be a joke, is he your boyfriend Jenni? Fucking pitiful, even by your standards. You got someone from topside to try and help you, but he’s just a weak human. Give me my coin girl or I’ll take your friend and feed him to the banished in the badlands, or even the vorpals. You remember last time a human that was close to you got taken by one of us, don’t you?” Breon said smiling. He walked to Nick and picked him up by his shirt. “Maybe I should see what the others can do to this bag of meat.” He tried to struggle, to grasp away from the stone monument, but his grip was tight. He looked at Jenni with fear in his eyes.
“Don’t you dare bring her up, you have no right you stupid son of a bitch.You weren’t even really a part of it, but you know how much she meant to me you jackass,” Jenni said spitting on Breons face. She dangled in the air, by the grip of Breon, starring like he had a trance on her, her fury burned from her eyes.
“You know that you humans are not made to be in this world. It’s a miracle that you are even sane. We all thought you would have fled to the topside, but you stayed and became part of our world,” Breon said throwing her at a meat and biscuit shop window, cracking the glass.
Jenni got to her feet, took two daggers from the sides of her thighs, and charged at Breon. His swipes were hard but slow and he couldn’t keep up with her speed. She jumped on his shoulders and stuck both blades inside the stone giant's ears. “You big ass brutes are all the same. You don’t think before you mouth off and just expect people to do nothing but take it. Next time if you are going to attack me try not letting me live so easily. You wanna go toe-to-toe with the dragon, then you better bring the heat,” Jenni said jumping off the gargoyle landing on the pavement.
“That was awesome,” Nick said rushing to Jenni and helping her up. They both stared at Breon.
Breon laid motionless for a few seconds and then started moving around the floor. He groaned in pain massaging his ears. “You didn’t have to be so rough with me Jenni. You always have to go so rough on me, you know I was just teasing you. I just needed that coin because of what we have been going through in the undercity. The rationing has been rough on my clan,” Breon said getting to his feet. It’s been years since their worlds collided. Count Grendil had always touted alternative means of feeding his people and even had backing from many of the tech companies that wanted a stake at new groundwork that was being made. Essentially it would be food tailored to them, to make them less aggressive, fucked up when you think about it more.
“You fucking threw me at a window. What do you mean rough with you? You’re the one who went after me. I’m sorry for what you are going through, but you just coming at me like that, what else was I suppose to do, let it slide?” Jenni said taking one of her daggers and pointing it at Breon. She stared at him, making him look more little a scared child, looking for a way out.
“ I’m sorry. I just needed that coin for my leader, he has been asking for it all week and he wouldn’t let it go,” Breon said. For a gargoyle that looked dangerous, he wasn’t so ferocious and menacing once Jenni got done with him. He was more calm and collected. He looked fearsome from the size of his body, and his wings. But his face when talking about his people made him look like someone that was going through a lot of pain.
“You really should have opened with that Breon. You know if you needed it I would have given it to you. Here's the coin you need and some extra. Just next time talk to me, don’t try to be a hard ass with me. I see right through that shit. Tell your family I hope they do well, and if they need any food come hit me up and I’ll see what I can do,” Jenni said grabbing gold coins from her jean pocket and handing it to Breon.
“Next time I’ll make sure to talk to you.Thanks.Sorry about your friend, he was just in my range, no hard feelings buddy? Jenni, you need to get him out of here before others like the count catch wind of him. You know how Grendil can get when it comes to newcomers to the city,” Breon said waving at Nick and then limping away from the both of them. “Damn I think she got me good. I can hear ringing, if I wasn’t made of stone surely that attack would have killed me.”
“Everything okay Jenni?” he said to her. He looked around and saw a few vorpals and undead starring at them. It made him feel like he did not belong. What the hell are they staring at? Have they never seen a male human before or something? They are just staring at me like I’m some lost puppy. Having their phones out taking pictures or recording what happened. They are probably letting others know that I’m violent or weak. He knew he wasn’t welcomed in the undercity, he could feel it. The eternals looked at him like they did others who did not belon
g in their domain. To them, Nick was their enemy and the longer he stayed where they lived, the longer he would poison them. They can get over it. I’m not going anywhere. He thought. The world was different, but the feeling was the same. All his life, being an outsider, not belonging, and the constant reminders being cast out got to him.
“Yea, don’t worry about it. I just have to put them brutes in their place from time to time. He didn’t piss me off as badly as others. It’s just…sometimes they see me and think they can push me around, that I won't fight back, or that I will let them say stupid shit to me,” Jenni said to him patting her knees and stretching her arms back.
“I guess they know you pretty well down here. Humans don’t normally live down here with outsiders,” Nick said sitting down next to her.
“You don’t have to keep calling them outsiders. They belong here as much as you and me. But yea, the undercity pretty much raised me. It gave me a home when I felt I was lost and did not know what to do with my life,” Jenni said smiling at Nick.
“You’re right. I would want someone to refer to me as a person too. Can you tell me, how did they raise you? You never lived with any humans?” Using outsider an eternal was something he flipped on and off. To be better meant to catch himself before doing it, but like everything in life, it’s all a process of trying to be better.
“Not for quite a while, maybe when I was four or five, but the majority of my life has just been here with these outsiders that humans like to brand them. I guess topside forgot about someone like me, who didn’t have a home, who was left to the wolves. I use to spend nights huddled up next to dumpsters and would use boxes to try and keep myself warm.”
“It must have been lonely not having anyone to be there for you. I don’t know how it is to be on the streets. To not have someone to catch you when you fall. I may have lost people I cared about, but I always had someone to catch me when I fell like Cameron, Janet, and Abigail.”
“There’s no one I have to turn to the topside. Hell, a girl like me just hasn’t found another reason for living. I spend my days helping others that need food, protection, or just some help with some cash.”
“So you’re kind of a savior who watches over people?”
“Fuck no. I’m not a savior, not an angel. People look to be saved by God and the spirit king. I never got why they tried so hard to appease them...The spirit king just sees us as play toys. He doesn’t give a fuck about what people go through. The suffering that they have to endure in their lives. I used to know a person who was a teen during the awakening, a sweet kid, use to help out at his church. He told me when it happened it shook him, it messed him up because he felt like the sins he did as a kid would haunt him. He kept second-guessing himself on what he did, how he did it, and just the thought of knowing god could watch over him. It made him not want to live anymore. He took his life, he was haunted by the awakening. They always tell you it’s the easy way out, it’s cheap, and they see you as someone who’s damned. They could see he was fucking suffering and just let it happen. They are above us and just see us like little ants for their fucking game. All I can do is just help those around me because it matters to the people not some fucking superior being in the sky to try and get into their members-only club,” Jenni said poking her dagger into the ground moving the dirt around making shapes.
“We’re all pretty much screwed on this rock we call earth. People tried so hard to get me to believe in their ways. To change who I am, only to make themselves feel better. I use to care for god, but how can I when they have fanatics like the god breakers terrorizing people? Many follow their laws, others afraid to fall out of line, and those that do rebel disappear,” Nick said scratching his forearm until one of his scabs tore off. Thinking of how messed up his life had been. The use of god and church were two words that made people wonder about you. Hard to separate them both, but for Nick, he just wanted god and nothing else, but every day someone does something in the name of god whether it is killing, or just trying to make people’s lives harder, and all god did was look from a distance. An asshole that stood over others grinning from their golden perches.
“Misery loves company, and what better company that the misfit toys of play island. We should get going before it hits midnight and the vorpals come out to play. I know a lady who can probably help you with your problem when it comes to that powder and the aerion. Madam Margret is her name and being a sonuvabitch is her game. Not really, she’s just someone who lives for the supernatural. Just call her Mary,” Jenni said to him.
Nick could feel something was wrong, his body got cold, and the chill hit deep inside his core. Something is coming, I can feel it. It is calling out to me, yelling and screaming. He shook his head and tried to get the thought out. He didn’t have time to think about anything else other than his case. It’s just my imagination, nothing more. He thought.
I should have been maybe a bit nicer to Lily. Just the way she lives life like everything is okay makes me want to just shake her and yell in her face. Veronica didn’t hate her mother but they came from two different ways of living. Lily was one to indulge in the finer things in life and didn’t mind living in the castle away from the outside world. She used to be human, but her mother didn’t talk about her old life. Every time it was brought up both she and Grendil would change the subject. Veronica wanted to see the undercity flaws and all. Where the clans lived is what she only knew. She never got to venture to the topside to see what changed. The clans of the undercity forbid it unless it was for business or just talking to the human leaders. Many would try to sneak out and venture topside, but there were stories of what happened to those who got caught. They would be found by the ghouls and eaten to the bone, never to be seen again. Grendil would usually go for a few days and then spend the rest of his time in his office, or his throne room having meetings, discussing boring subjects that made Veronica want to fall asleep on the spot. Maybe I should just be with Jake and get it over with. She thought. She walked down the metal stairs. “Could have just used wood, but you wanted protection in case of a rabid werewolf, typical.”
“Veronica darling are you feeling better today?” Lily said eying Veronica walking by the dining room, towards the front door.
“You don’t have to worry about me, I’ll be fine, just got a small headache,” she said grabbing the door handle. There was a lot she wanted to say, but getting angry all the time was something she was trying to let go of. Nothing good came from anger, she would tell herself every day before bed.
“What kind of mother would I be if I didn’t worry about my sweet little cherry?” Lily said grabbing Veronica's hand, dragging her away slowly, and massaging her palms. “You look like something is on your mind, you think you can just walk away from your troubles sweetheart? You can’t, they will catch up to you one way or another.” As a mother, she saw through her, a mother knows best.
“It’s fine Lily. I just need to get out for a bit, take my mind off stuff. I’m going to go meet the girls and plan for the masquerade we have in a couple of months,” she said pulling her hand away. As much as I want to be dressed up like some old doll for people I don’t know or care about, I just can’t deal with that right now. I’m going to burn off some steam and dance the night away with the girls. I just want to have some fun. Her parents always wanted her to act like someone that she wasn’t.To be more proper, to not cuss as much, and to be more sheepish like the other female vorpals. She didn’t like wearing the mask to hide her face, she thought it was a joke and something that wasn’t her at all. Her parents loved to wear them because it made them feel like they were above others. They just wanted her to be around vorpals in the same league as them, who had a long history dating back to nosferatu. The very first vampires that walked the earth. They saw others that were not in their clan and saw their lack of wealth as a weakness. Her father cared about their people, but he also knew that there had to be a structure for their society to work, much like the huma
ns they also preyed upon the weak and unfortunate souls. She wouldn’t like the girls I hang out with, she would just think they were trash. She thought.
“Oh why don’t you go with Jake, you know he has a thing for you?” Lily said winking at Veronica, dragging her to the dining room table and sitting her down.
“Lily you know I don’t like Jake like that at all. He’s more like a brother to me, anyways I need to get going.” She folded her arms and starred like a hornet sting into her mother's eyes.
“Yes, darling. I know, but you have to understand there is not a lot of options for us. You can try to be with other vorpals but they do not have the same lineage as us. It just wouldn’t work out well at all.”
“You don’t hear yourself right now, do you? I rather wait and see who I fall in love with.No matter what my choice you will always be disappointed.”
“Love? Do you want to wait for love? oh, don’t be silly. Think about the now, not the future. You keep putting it off and people are going to talk, they are going to wonder about you and ask questions.”
“Let them talk about me, I don’t give a damn. You and Grendil found each other later on in life. He told me it took him many many years to find someone that he felt in tune with. Would you have followed what your parents wanted?”
“Let's not bring them up daughter, you know we don’t talk about them. It was a different time back then, and there weren’t a lot of choices. You either waited and die an old hag, or start a family and be satisfied with the other perks. Look at all the vorpals that you can have, if not Jake there is the Goodwins, they are some fine boys.”